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2023 Carvana PPA Tour Selkirk Mountain Futures - Mixed Doubles - Consolation Bracket Quarter Finals: Angie Walker & Zach Grabovic vs. Erik Rosner & Samantha Goldenhersh

2023 Carvana PPA Tour Selkirk Mountain Futures

Mixed Doubles • Pro • Mar 5, 2023


Angie Walker
Zach Grabovic
1 - 0
Samantha Goldenhersh
Erik Rosner

Game Scores

Walker A. / Grabovic Z.
Goldenhersh S. / Rosner E.


Professional pickleball match featuring Angie Walker & Zach Grabovic vs Erik Rosner & Samantha Goldenhersh in the Consolation Bracket Quarter Finals at the 2023 Carvana PPA Tour Selkirk Mountain Futures on Mar 5, 2023.


DUPR: 5.102 / 5.394
177 Matches Female 26
DUPR: 4.552 / 5.149
6 Matches Female N/A
DUPR: 6.293 / 5.942
24 Matches Male 28
DUPR: 5.62 / 5.994
23 Matches Male 33

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